7 Ways Chlorophyll and its Supplements may Benefit You

No wonder it’s been trending on Tik Tok and other social media!

Photo by Gina Sell on Unsplash

Chlorophyll is the green pigment naturally produced by plants and algae that gives them their dark green colour. This includes leafy greens and other vegetables we usually eat.

But what’s all the hype around it and why?

It’s probably because chlorophyll is a potent antioxidant. Research demonstrates that it is also a gentle detoxifier and an energizing tonic when taken in the right amount. Following are a few of its proven benefits:

1. Has Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity

Chlorophyll is a potent antioxidant and helps to neutralize free radicals. It reduces chemical stress on your body and is, therefore, used to manage the side effects of cancer treatments and cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). Chlorophyll also controls inflammation and promotes wound healing, when used as suggested.

2. Controls Body Odour

Chlorophyll is an inner deodorant. It helps control excessive sweating and can reduce body odour. Chlorophyll not only heals wounds and ulcers but may also eliminate all kinds of body smells when applied topically or taken orally.

3. Has Anti-ageing Effects on Skin

This plant pigment may have potent anti-ageing properties, thanks to its unique ability to aid DNA repair mechanisms. It helps minimize wrinkles, spots and other signs of ageing on the skin.

Chlorophyll supplements may also protect your skin from UV damage and improve its elasticity by naturally boosting the process of collagen production.

4. Aids in Synthesis of Blood (Hemoglobin)

Small doses of chlorophyll and its supplements stimulate the process of blood building. They accelerate the regeneration of the iron-rich pigment in our blood, called hemoglobin, especially after an injury, severe loss of blood or internal bleeding (hemorrhage).

Chlorophyll derivatives, therefore, may be good alternatives to manage anemia and iron-deficient blood disorders in adults and children. They may also quickly restore hemoglobin levels in menstruating women with excessive bleeding (menorrhagia).

5. Is a Natural Detoxifier

Chlorophyll’s antioxidant and inflammation-lowering effects make it an effective detoxifying agent.

It minimizes chemical and environmental stresses by eliminating the free radicals, pathogens (bacteria, fungi) and other toxins in your body. Green leafy veggies or chlorophyll supplements act as natural blood purifiers and effectively promote overall wellbeing.

6. Protects Liver and Promotes Gut Health

As it’s a natural detoxifier and blood purifier, chlorophyll protects your body organs from damage — particularly the gut. Research suggests that chlorophyll replenishes and rebalances the good gut bacteria to mitigate liver and intestinal damage.

This indirectly has a positive effect on controlling diabetes, liver cirrhosis and other chronic diseases.

7. May Combat Cancer

Chlorophyll lowers overall inflammation and stress in the body and may also combat cancers of various organs. Clinical studies prove that chlorophyll and its supplements may aid in the treatment of cancers of the liver, lungs, stomach and other vital organs.

However, recent research claims that this may be the case only up to a point. Further investigation is required to establish the anticancer effects of chlorophyll and the extent of its safety.

Such arguments may raise a valid question in our mind — Is it safe to take chlorophyll? Is there a safe way to consume chlorophyll? How much chlorophyll is too much?

Are There any Side Effects to Taking Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is completely natural and is known to be non-toxic. Its most commonly available form of supplement, chlorophyllin, is also considered safe. However, there have been a few cases reporting the following side effects:

  • Mild diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Green discoloration of urine or feces, when chlorophyll is consumed orally
  • Black discoloration of the tongue
  • Mild burning, itching on topical application

Chlorophyll is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women since there aren’t enough studies showing it is completely safe.

Overall, as long as you are taking a daily recommended dose you should be fine.

Recommended Dose for Chlorophyll and Supplements

Chlorophyll is safely consumed/assimilated via dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, parsley, green cress and arugula; certain algae like chlorella and spirulina too.

Its supplements are available as sodium copper chlorophyllin (also called chlorophyllin copper complex).

Oral doses of 100–300 mg/day of chlorophyllin in three divided doses may be a safe recommendation for adults, according to Oregon State University.

Even if you start drinking your water with chlorophyll, you will still need to eat your veggies. Can’t skip those greens, sorry! So, make sure you are including raw vegetables, kale and spinach, as they naturally contain high amounts of chlorophyll.

Add them to your breakfast smoothie, salad, wraps, soups, side dishes or rice bowls. Take small but consistent steps and get that natural chlorophyll in, every day.

Give it time and you’ll see this green gold subtly transform your physical and mental wellbeing.

We promise!


  1. Chlorophyll and Chlorophyllin Micronutrient Information Center, Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University
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